The Book of Revelation (the final book of the Bible’s New Testament) mentions 666 as the “Number of the Beast”. But what exactly is the significance of that number?
Revelation and the Beast
The Book of Revelation has been subject to interpretation
all through the ages, mainly because of its many cryptic references. The author
(who may or may not have been the John wrote the Gospel or the three short letters that
are also part of the New Testament - indeed, almost certainly neither of them) describes a vision that is chock full of
strangeness and symbolism, much of which is expressed in numerical form, with
the number seven being particularly prominent.
Chapter 13 verse 18 reads (in the King James version):
“Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore
and six”.
Many people have puzzled over this reference, with the
general consensus being that it refers to Satan and that there is therefore
something fundamentally evil about the number 666. Movies have been made in which
people possessed by demons have been found with the number 666 tattooed on
their heads. 666 therefore signifies the Antichrist.
So who is the Man referred to in the text?
There is a very straightforward answer to this question,
which is the Emperor Nero. It is quite possible that Revelation was written not
many years after Nero’s persecution of the Christians following the great fire
of Rome in 64 AD. It is possible that Saints Peter and Paul were among the
martyrs who died at that time.
That was clearly enough to make Nero a “beast”, and there
was also confusion over his apparent death by suicide in 68AD, in that not
everyone was convinced that he was actually dead. If Nero had escaped and was still
alive, could he be about to return at the head of an army and wreak more chaos?
The message behind the verse in Chapter 13 is that the beast
can be defeated if and when he returns, either in the form of Nero or one of
his successors, all of whom were evil in the eyes of Jewish Christians.
The clue lies in the number 666. This is Nero’s number
because of the coincidence of his Greek name being highly significant in terms
the Hebrew system of “number letters”. In Greek, Emperor Nero is “Kaisar Neron”
which in Hebrew letters (which do not include vowels) is “qsr nrwn”.
In the Hebrew system, letter q stands for 60, s is 100, r is
200, n is 50 and w is 6. The letters of “qsr nrwn” therefore add up to the
number 666.
Sixes and sevens
The significance of this is that the number 7 is
particularly powerful within Israelite number symbolism. Seven is the perfect
number because it is addition of three – the divine number – and four – the
number for the created world. All three numbers keep cropping up as being
highly symbolic – three members of the Trinity and four corners of the earth,
for example.
The Book of Revelation is addressed to seven churches and
there are mentions of seven seals, seven trumpets, and much else besides. The
Beast has seven heads because he aspires to match the perfect number, but, as
the author points out, he can never do so because his number is a succession of
sixes. The message of Revelation is therefore to convince people that God’s
people, with the perfect number seven supporting them, will always triumph over
the Roman world’s inability to get beyond six.
It may sound like playing with numbers, but to the original
readers of Revelation (and many since that time) all this is highly
© John Welford
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